Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC): Foreshore walk 

Our Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC) is back with an exciting new term of hands-on sessions!

Join community archaeologist Alexis and uncover some of the long and layered history of Fulham Palace. Young Archaeologists’ Club is suitable for young people ages 8 – 16 years old and attends independently.


Saturday 17 June – Foreshore walk 

Join us on our annual foreshore walk as we investigate the archaeology of the river. Will we find Roman, Saxon and medieval evidence?

Saturday 15 July – Surprise session 

Join Alexis the archaeologist and the dissecting the dirt students for a surprise session!

Saturday 16 September – Finds processing

What did we find on the foreshore? Together we will work to identify the recovered material from our recent foreshore excursion.

Saturday 14 October – Vikings 

In this session, we will be looking at Viking culture in Britain and having a go at making helmets and shields.

Event details:
  • Our Young Archaeologists’ Club is for ages 8 – 16.
  • Students attend independently