Discover Fulham Palace
From feuding Saxons to faithful Bishops, discover the history of Fulham Palace.
Shop: 10.30 - 16.00
Museum and historic rooms: 10.30 - 16.00 (last entry 15.30)
Café: 9.30 - 16.00
Botanic garden: dawn - dusk
Walled garden: 10.15 - 15.45
Market barrow: Tue - Sun, 11.00 - 15.00
Our museum and historic rooms are open daily from 10.30 – 16.00. Book your free visiting timeslot here.
Please note – some areas may be closed for private events, please check our ticketing platform a week before your visit to check for room closures on your intended day of visit. For walled garden closures, please visit our ‘opening times’ web page.
Frequently asked questions and their answersFrom feuding Saxons to faithful Bishops, discover the history of Fulham Palace.
Can I have a picnic in the botanic garden? Is there parking available? Learn about the do’s and dont’s of our site before you visit.
From welcoming visitors into the museum to helping with events or tending to the garden, there are a variety of opportunities available to get involved with the Palace.
From Roman settlers and Saxon squatters to turkey dinners and barrage balloons – the story of Fulham Palace is a long, eventful and revealing journey. One we’re still unraveling through continued research and archaeological investigations.