We’re calling on all amateur photographers to enter our garden photography competition, and we want you to take part!
Submit your stunning photo of the Palace garden with a caption for your chance to win. We would love your picture and caption to tell a story—no matter how big or small—about the Palace. Our panel is looking for a photograph that creatively captures the unique characteristics of the Palace’s garden. From the iconic Tudor gate to the pinery vinery, the possibilities are endless!
With a youth competition (ages 15 and under) and an adult competition (ages 16+) all ages are able to submit their Palace photo.
You have until midnight on Saturday 31 August to submit your photo, the winner will be announced on Friday 6 September.
So… get snapping! Share your photos on social media and be sure to tag #FulhamPalacePhotoComp
The prize
The winning photos will be turned into official Fulham Palace postcards to be sold in the Palace’s museum shop. The winners will receive their photo postcard along with a special surprise.
Before entering, be sure to read the competition terms and conditions.
Complete the online entry form and be sure to submit your entry before the competition ends at midnight on Saturday 31 August.
If you have any questions about the competition, please email communications@fulhampalace.org.