The very hungry caterpillar – EYFS

Looking to inspire your little learners? We can help!

Our storytelling bag The Very Hungry Caterpillar promotes and inspires nursery and reception children to recreate the adventures of the hungry caterpillar as he eats his way through an abundant range of foods.

The storytelling bag includes The Very Hungry Caterpillar storybook by Eric Carle, a wooden caterpillar toy and replica food items made of felt.

The book and caterpillar encourage creativity, dexterity and narrative skills including supporting the early development of reading. All of the food items included in the bag provide a tactile, sensory experience for the children.

The storytelling bag is available for bookings from early years settings and can be borrowed for up to two weeks.

Suitable for: EYFS
Curriculum link: Foundation stage
Price: £25.00.
Book now: email