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Palace explorers: Animal safari – From Mastiffs to Pomeranians

Join our creative, hands-on sessions for 2 to 4-year-olds and their adults.

Each week introduces an exciting new topic to discover. This term’s theme is ‘Animal safari’ and will explore the historic animals that have lived at the Palace and the animals that call the Palace home today. From emus and tortoises to our Palace cat, Edmund, discover the animals that have called the Palace home.

Term schedule:

Week 2: 28 February & 1 March – From Mastiffs to Pomeranians

We’ll be learning about dogs kept by the Bishops as pets and for hunting. We’ll look at dogs from the Palace’s past, look for dogs in Bishop’s Park and create a Roman paw-print tile.

Week 3: 7 & 8 March – Cat and mouse

Edmund the Palace cat is the best mouser! What else does he do in the day? We’ll look for Edmund by getting down on his level and seeing the Palace his eyes.

Week 4: 14 & 15 March – Bishop Laud’s tortoise 

Would you believe the Bishop of London kept a tortoise? We’ll create our own exotic animal.

Week 5: 21 & 22 March – An emu at the party

An emu terrorised a garden party in 1860. Let’s relive this dramatic moment with Colenso the emu.

Week 6: 28 & 29 March – Baby animals

New life is starting in the gardens, what can we see as the animals get ready for spring?