Discover Arts Award

Welcome to Discover Arts Award from home! Children can complete their ‘Discover’ level at home using the attached guide and log book, with a guide for parents as well. The Discover Arts Award is a recognised qualification and children will receive a certificate upon completion.

How to submit

Email your completed portfolio, name, age, ethnicity and home address to Kate Kern at

What is Discover Arts Award?

Discover at Home enables children to be rewarded for the creative activities they enjoy. It supports children to connect with local museums, theatres and arts activities they enjoy and explore new ones, online or at home, until it’s possible to visit or engage with them again.

Step1: learn about Fulham Palace and its history

The Palace isn’t open at the moment but you can still visit our garden or perhaps a
park near your home. The information pack below will teach you more about Fulham Palace’s history.

Step 2: take part in some art activities

Discover different types of art and try some new activities. You’ll find some
suggestions in the booklet below, and you might already have some ideas of your own!

Step 3: discover an artist

This is an opportunity for you to find out all about another artist. We’ve got some
suggestions in the booklet below, but you might like to find an artist whose work you love!

Expand the links below to start your Discover Arts Award from home!

Discover Arts Award at home pack

View the Discover Arts Award at Home pack here!

Discover at Home enables children to be rewarded for the creative activities they enjoy. It supports children to connect with local museums, theatres and arts activities they enjoy and explore new ones, online or at home, until it’s possible to visit or engage with them again.

Discover Arts Award log book

Download your own log book here!

There are 3 sections that you need to explore, document and evidence.

Part A – take part in creative or arts activities and discover different types of ‘art’
Part B – find out about at least one artist and their work
Part C – share with others what they enjoyed and learned through doing Discover at Home

We’ve also included an optional extra page for you to record your visit to Fulham Palace or a park near you. Your Art Log is where you can record what
you have done. Once you’ve completed your log book don’t forget to scan it or photograph it and send it back to us!

Discover Arts Award guide for parents

Download the parents’ guide here!

Arts Award Discover is a foundation to introduce children to the world of the arts and culture and a springboard to other levels of Arts Award, which are qualifications regulated by Ofqual.

Discover at Home is for parents & carers who may not be arts specialists themselves and are looking for something different to keep children engaged and entertained. They can even gain a certificate!.