Community archaeology

Involving the community in uncovering the archaeological story of our site is one of the most exciting things we do at Fulham Palace.

two archaeology volunteers measure a pit

Members of the public, families, youth groups and schools have all gotten hands-on with our past digs. Teaming up with professional archaeologists, they’ve been involved in every aspect from digging and recording the site to cleaning and archiving finds.

Recent community archaeology projects

  1. Cultivating Compton Dig in 2018
    Two trenches were dug outside the south wall of the walled garden before the area was replanted as part of the restoration of the garden. Important finds included a Roman brooch, burnt and struck flint, and possibly a Bronze Age barrow.
  2. Dovecote Dig in 2017
    As part of the third phase of restoration at Fulham Palace, two trenches were opened in front of the Tudor courtyard. Finds included a bone lice comb from the 17th or 18th century, the skeleton of a very large dog and a steel picket, or ‘silent screw’, which we believed formed part of the barrage balloon emplacement which was present on the site in WWII.
  3. Orchard Archaeology Dig in 2014
    Before planting the new apple orchard in the walled garden, 47 tree pits were dug to remove any artefacts that might be damaged by the tree roots. Finds included a late Roman coin, an intact Roman pot lid and a Neolithic blade.
  4. Walled Garden Dig in 2012
    The entire site of our kitchen garden was excavated before planting could begin. Finds included 36 sherds of Roman pottery, Roman coins and clay pipe fragments, including two bowls dated between 1640 and 1660.

More community digs are being planned to uncover the Palace’s past. These will be listed on our volunteer page.

Young people interested in archaeology can join our Young Archaeologists’ Club.

Archaeology related events take place throughout the year, including handling sessions, talks and tours.